License conditions

§ 1. All text, graphics and other materials on this site are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

§ 1.1. This means that they can be freely copied and distributed. In addition, they can be used to create derivative materials if two conditions are met at the same time:

  • if indicating appropriate credit of the original, link to the license and the designation of the changes made;
  • if modified content distributing under the same license and without additional restrictions on the use of the modified content.

§ 2. The rule above does not apply to the following materials:

§ 2.1. Materials marked portfolio. Copyrights of such materials belong to the persons mentioned in the publication, and property rights — to the named owners.

§ 2.2. Materials marked translation. Copyright and any other including property rights of any of these materials belong to the authors mentioned in the publication. Distribution and any commercial use of these materials is prohibited.

§ 2.3. Materials with executable code, designed for distribution in decentralized networks, marked on the site with open-source. Such materials are distributed under license WTFPL (Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License).

§ 3. For all licensing issues related to the use of the site materials, please contact us: